Tuesday, August 7, 2012

TAG: Back to School

Hey Everyone!
Today I am doing the Back to School Tag which I was tagged by Maura from Polos Pearls & Bows! If you haven't already, check out her blog, it's awesome! Anyways, let's get into the post!

1. What grade are you going into? (Or year of college?)
I will be entering 8th grade, and for those who have a different grade system that's 13-14.

2. What are you excited and/or nervous for this year?
I'm excited to see my friends but I'm still a little nervous for grades, and classes and things like that.

3. What's your favorite part of getting ready for back to school?
I love shopping for not only clothes, but also supplies.

4. What grade were you in when you first starting wearing makeup?
7th grade!

5. Where or whom from do you like getting inspiration for back to school trends & styles?
Normally, I just do what I like. But most of the time YouTube. :)

6. What are your favorite upcoming "back to school"/fall trends for this year?
Hmm... honestly, I don't know much fall trends this year. But I do love wearing jeans and cute flats or boots, and I love sweaters/cardigans! (I call cardigans sweaters...)

7. Where do you like to go shopping for back to school supplies?
Normally Staples, and Walmart

8. What are your favorite stores to go back to school shopping?
I love Hollister, American Eagle, Forever 21, and a few other places, but those are my favorite!

9. Will you be carrying a backpack or a purse to school this year? Which do you prefer?
Since I'm still in middle school or junior high, (at least at my school) where not allowed to carry our back packs around. I don't know about purses (cause no one really does). But I will have a backpack this year.

10. What are 3 non-beauty essentials you HAVE to carry in your backpack/purse?
My phone, sometimes gum, and anti bacterial hand sanitizer!

11. What are 3 beauty essentials that you HAVE to carry in you backpack/purse?
I don't bring makeup to school, but if I did, probably concealer, mascara, and a lip balm.

12. What are your go-to hair products for this year, and what is your go to hair style?
My go-to hair product this year is my Aussie Anti-Frizz cream, which I am going to have a post on sometime this week. As for my hair style, normally I leave my hair down in its natural waves, but sometimes I'll straighten it, it just takes a while.

13. What are your go-to makeup products for this year and what is your go-to makeup look for school?
Oh my gosh guys! I'm going to wear mascara this year... yes taking a leap of faith. Haha, but a little eyeshadow (normally, UD Sin on lid, MAC All That Glitters in crease/lid, Stila Kitten in inner corner, curled lashes, and now mascara! :D Oh and sometimes concealer (MAC Mineralize Concealer).

14. What are your go-to clothing items for back to school, and what accessories to you plan to rock this year?
I have this weird obsession with blouses, so those. Also, flats, cardigans, UGGs (I live up north-ish so I can wear UGGs in like late October), that's all I can think of right now.

15. Who do you tag?
Something Beautiful
Looks and Books with Becca

-Kait :)


  1. Yay! You did the tag :) I hope you have a great school year!
