Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Quick Hair Tip: Ponytails

Hey Girls!    
     So sorry for not having a post in a little bit! I've been very busy with school! Anyways, I'm going to try to get a good post up tomorrow. I always forget to take pictures and send them to myself, so I can then download them onto the computer and then upload them onto here.

     Today I am going to share another hair tip that I have found to work for those bad hair days. Now for those who were their hair up often, this might not work as well for you. I barely ever wear my hair up in a ponytail, and when I do (I mean a full pulled back ponytail, not 'I gathered hair and tied it back' kind of look.) I do it at nighttime. When I wake up, I pull my hair out, and my hair has soft and more 'together' waves (if that makes sense. What I mean is that they're roughly the same size, and things like that) and my hair is barely frizzy. I naturally have very wavy hair, and this just evens out my hair. I use this trick if my hair is either really frizzy, or if it's just all over the place. If you do wear you're hair back often, try switching your part, even a little to the side. This will also ease the frizz. Let me know if you try this out!

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